Artificial Intelligence. Lessons for beginners

Ru Ua

AI in JavaScript

Most Artificial Intelligence applications uses R or Python.

But these days, several JavaScript AI framework are emerging.

JavaScript frameworks make it possible to execute AI tasks in the browser.

AI and JavaScript

Artificial Intelligence has changed the science of image processing, computer vision, and natural language applications.

Thanks to new AI libraries, JavaScript developers can now build machine learning and deep learning applications without Python or R. This way JavaScript can help developers to bring AI to the browser and to the web.

With AI, JavaScript developers can make more intelligent web applications.

Is JavaScript Good for AI?

Most AI applications these days use R or Python.

But JavaScript has a great future as an AI language, and it even has some advantages:

  • JavaScript is better known. All developers can use it.
  • Security is built in. JavaScript cannot access your files.
  • JavaScript is faster than Python.
  • Modern JavaScript compiles into machine code.
  • Modern JavaScript can use hardware acceleration.


WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering 2d and 3D graphics in any browser.

WebGL can run on both integrated and standalone graphic cards in any PC.

WebGL brings 3D graphics to the web browser. Major browser vendors Apple (Safari), Google (Chrome), Microsoft (Edge), and Mozilla (Firefox) are members of the WebGL Working Group.

WebGL 1.0 was released in March 2011.

WebGL 2.0 was released in January 2017.


Neural Networks with JavaScript

Artificial Intelligence can be math-heavy. The nature of neural networks is highly technical, and the jargon that goes along with it tends to scare people away.

This is where JavaScript can come to help. We need easy to understand software APIs to simplifying the process of creating and training neural networks.